Rank number 1 on Google using these 7 SEO free tools

You want to rank number one on Google.

You don't have a ton of money.

You can't hire an agency.

What do you do?

Hey, everyone?

I'm Abbas and today I'm gonna share with
you seven free tools that'll help you rank

number one on Google.

rankings on Google.

1.The first free tool I have for you is google search console

Most people use Google Search Console just
to see what keywords they're ranking for.

You can do that, it's not that effective.

The reason you want to use Google Search Console,
especially if you want a rank number one is

for this specific tactic.

When you log in to a Google Search Console,
it'll show you all the keywords that you're

ranking for that are driving the majority
of your traffic.

Look at what pages those keywords are driving
traffic to.

Take the title tag of that page and the meta
description and make sure you include the

key word.

Optimize that title tag to be more appealing.

If you're not sure how to optimize the title
tag, go buy a magazine or go look at a magazine.

Magazines have amazing headlines.

10 ways to lose weight in 30 days, how to
shed five pounds in the next week, seven ways

to do yoga as a beginner.

I'm making up these titles.

They may not all be the best but there's a
few things you can do.

You can take the inspiration from magazines
and try to craft your own headline.

By creating your own headline or title tag
or meta description that's more appealing

as well as including the keyword, you're more
likely to get clicks.

See, if you do a search on Google as well
as another thousand people and you guys all

searched for the same term, and everyone clicks
on the second listing instead of the first

listing, what do you think Google's gonna

They're gonna take the second listing and
move it up to number one.

And by optimizing your title tag to be more
appealing, you're going to get more clicks.

One simple way you can also do this is by
evoking curiosity.

The seven benefits of green tea, number five
is going to shock you.

I'd be like, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Yeah, I know green is amazing, but what's
number five?

I want to check out this article.

That kind of stuff gets you more clicks.

2.The next tool I have for you,and of course this one is free and as well as ,they all features are there is ubersuggest
You have Google Search Console.

It already showed you what keywords you're
getting traffic for.

I want you to take those keywords and go plug
them into Ubersuggest.

This will show you all the long-tail variations
of those keywords.

If you already rank for the head terms, it's
really easy to rank for the long-tail terms.

You don't have to build any links, you don't
have to do a ton of on-page optimization.

It's super simple.

You take the keywords Ubersuggest gives you,
let's say you rank for digital marketing on

page one, you type in that keyword to Ubersuggest,
you see all the other keyword variations that

it gives you and see if you can take those
keywords and integrate them within your site.

Within that page that's already ranking for
that term like digital marketing.

By doing that, within 30 days you'll find
that you'll get more search traffic to that


But here's a trick, you can't just take those
keywords and add them to the page.

You got to integrate them within your content.

That means you may have to add the keywords
and as well expand upon your content so that

way it flows and it all make sense.

If it doesn't, you're gonna have a hard time
ranking for all those terms because people

are gonna read your content and be like, this
doesn't make sense.

They're gonna bounce away.

You need to adjust your content and sometimes
that means re-writing them.

You may also want to take some of those keywords
and put them in the title tag and meta description.

Those keywords that you're getting from Ubersuggest.

By doing that, it'll also help you rank for
those longer tail terms.

The cool part about Ubersuggest is, it ranks
all those keywords by popularity and how easy

it is to rank from.

That's called Search Difficulty.

So there's a SD number, that number, the higher
it is, the more competitive.

The lower the number, the easier it is to
a ranking for that term.

3.The third tool I have for you is yoast SEO plugin
Most of you guys are running on WordPress.

SEO isn't that easy.

But what if I told you one plug-in will make
your on-page SEO so much more simple.

The Yoast SEO plugin will help you optimize
your code, your title tags, your meta description,

heck, it'll even help you create XML sitemap
that you can just plugin into Google Search

Console, and it does this all for free.

That way, when you release new content, it
pings Goggle lets them know through the sitemap

that way they can index that content, grab
it and rank it.

4.Number youth I have for you is websiteresponsiveness.com The reason you want to go to this website is your site needs to be mobile compatible. Google has a mobile-first index. But putting your URL on this site, it'll tell you, hey, is your website responsive? Is it mobile friendly? You want a mobile-friendly site. The more mobile-friendly it is, the higher you're gonna rank at Google's mobile-first index. If your site doesn't look good on a mobile device, you think you're gonna get a ton of rankings? Of course, not. That's why you need to ensure that your site looks great on a mobile phone. Not just your mobile phone but all the other ones out there. Because there's an iPhone, there's an Android phone, the list keeps going on and on, and this site will help make sure that your website is compatible with all of them.

5.Numer fifth I have for you is google trendz You're probably wondering, hey, how is this SEO tool? Well, Google's moved into brand signals and they've had for years, but now they're more impactful than they ever were before. In other words, Google wants to rank brands higher than non-branded sites. Because there's all these people creating fake news and fake information out there. Google doesn't want to rank any of them. By creating a brand, you're gonna do better. Google Trends show you how your brand is doing compared to other people. The higher the line or the graph for your brand of your competition, the better off you are. You want the bigger brand and Google Trends will show this. If we're trying to figure out how to get a better brand, it's by leveraging the omni-channel approach. The more people that see you, the better off you're gonna be. In which, if you do content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, you're out there more times, you're gonna be following what's called the rule of seven. When someone sees your brand seven times, they're much more likely to resonate, keep coming back to your site and that will help you get higher rankings in the long run. I know that sounds crazy but trust me, brand signals is huge.

6.Number six is google pagespeed insights How many of you guys think PageSpeed impacts SEO? Here's the thing, it does. More people use Google on their mobile phone than they do on their desktop computers. That's why speed is so important. Google has an index just for mobile sites. You want to ensure that your website loads as fast as possible. So use Google PageSpeed Insights because it'll tell you how Google looks at your site from the load time perspective, and they'll tell you what you need to change to make it load faster.

7.Number Seven and last one It's a Chrome extension, it's called Keywords Everywhere. Whenever you're performing a Google search, you'll find that in many cases you're performing a Google search for other keywords related to your space or your own industry. Keywords everywhere will show you how many people are searching for those terms and other related keywords as you're using Google right there on the screen. The reason this is important as you're just using Google as a normal user, it'll give you more keyword ideas because you can see the search volume and how good some of these keywords are as well as other variations. When you're trying to optimize your website, you want to think about SEO day-in and day-out. I know that's gonna be hard but Keywords Everywhere will help you because as you're doing searches on Google, Keywords Everywhere will remind you. It'll be like, hey, this keyword is popular. Yeah, this is related to my site, maybe I should consider creating content around it. That's why you want to use it.


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